
菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全振动筛, 也被称为砂石脱水筛, are designed for dairy producers looking to remove excess water from recycled sand bedding. 脱水 the sand leads to a faster turnaround time while also reducing bacterial growth and improving overall freestall bed quality.


Recycled sand from a separation system will contain about 20% moisture, 对于独立式床上用品来说,哪个太湿了. Stacking the sand into piles and conditioning it for several weeks or months allows the water to leach out, 但库存的沙子可能会占用现金. 配砂脱水筛, 水立即被还原, yielding a sand that is drip-free and requires minimal conditioning.

A 砂石脱水筛 can be supplied as part of a sand separation system or added later as a final dewatering step. It’s also used on many dairies to dewater sand removed from a sand lane. 在任何情况下, 这些系统产出的沙子更加清洁, 比没有它的系统更干燥,需要更少的调节.    


对再生砂进行有效脱水, 洗过的沙子被送到陡坡上, downward inclined screen surface at the feed end of the 砂石脱水筛 to achieve rapid drainage. A pool of water forms in the transition area as material builds up on the slightly upward inclined surface. Two counter-rotating vibratory motors create a linear motion at an angle to the screen surface. 这种快速运动加速了固体的向上和向前, forcing the liquid and small organic fibers to drain through the sand and through the screen surface. The sand is conveyed up the screen toward the discharge by this linear motion. 屏幕的上坡, 还有一个排水堰, 形成了一个深沙床作为过滤介质, allowing material much finer than the screen openings to be retained. Water and sand that pass through the screen’s surface are typically recycled back to the source or captured again in a Hydrocyclone system. 这 allows the process to attain recovery rates well over 90% while yielding a clean, 干砂菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全. 在砂分离系统中, the water held in the sand contains a small amount of organic material that acts as food for bacteria. 当水在脱水筛中从沙子中抽出时, 它拖着一部分细小的纤维, 哪个出口有水. 这 yields a cleaner sand without the use of additional fresh water. Screens can be fitted with a Derocker to remove oversize and tramp material from the bedding sand before it is dewatered. 这个Derocker可以移走大块的石头, 塑料, wood and other debris that can be problematic if it ends up in the sand bedding.


菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 砂石脱水筛s were originally developed for the aggregate and mining industries for dewatering, 冲洗, 擦洗, 浆料和洗砂等物料. 它们的设计是为了生产一致的无滴漏菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全. 脱水筛s have been adapted to the dairy industry for dewatering recycled sand bedding, but they still maintain the integrity of design and the consistency of the product they produce.

All the 砂石脱水筛s are built with side panels that are secured to cross supports with Huck bolts. 这 heavy-duty structure provides the support for all the longitudinal stringers that attach to the screen panels. 屏幕面板, 哪些有不同的开口尺寸, 将纵向弦扣紧, 允许它们在必要时快速方便地更换. The side panels are protected from wear by rubber panels that are attached to the inside surface.

The machine uses rubber buffers to isolate the supporting structure from the heavy vibrations that the motors produce to separate the water and sand. 这些缓冲是完美的潮湿,腐蚀性环境.

砂石脱水筛s have been tested and proven to remove up to 40% of the water and up to 80% of the organic material that remains in the recycled sand. 在所有情况下, 这就形成了一个干燥器, cleaner product that can be reused more quickly with less conditioning.



砂脱水筛可以在几个方面为您节省资金. Sand that is drier and cleaner requires less conditioning, which means less loader and operator time. 更少的调节意味着更少的沙子储备. 点击 在这里 看看有多少钱会被困在沙子库存上. v

Screens work best when a bed of sand can build up during the dewatering process. If the sand bed is too big, it will eventually build up and plug the screen. If the sand bed is too small, a larger percentage of fines will escape with the water. Each screen is sized for the specific application into which it will be installed. 这 图表 shows the different screen sizes that are available and the tonnage that they can process. 

The first dewatering screen used for recycled sand underwent extensive testing and sampling. 以下是 结果 从这些测试中. 

有几种方法可以配置a 沙巷系统, but basically it involves cleaning the sand from the lane and dumping it into a hopper, 脱水系统由哪个供气. 点击 在这里 to see a video of a 脱水 System installed into a Sand Lane.

有时沙子进入时还是脏的 砂石脱水筛. If the manure fibers are larger than the screen openings, then they cannot be washed out. 在某些情况下, 虽然, it’s possible to install a spray bar and add some clean water to rinse out the dirty manure water. 这样做的时候, it’s important to install a weir partway up the deck to create a break in the sand bed through which the water can go. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全's engineering team will be able to help with setting up a rinse bar on your screen.

特性 & 好处
  • 生产更干净、更干燥的沙子
  • 少花时间调理沙子
  • 沙子可以更快地重复使用
  • 低功耗要求
  • 采矿任务,耐磨设计
  • 采矿任务,耐磨设计
  • 多种尺寸,从每小时10到90吨不等
  • 可更换的聚氨酯筛板
  • 耐腐蚀,橡胶隔振器
  • 防震,哈克式螺栓结构


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